Compare Photos - Side-by-Side, Slider, and Morphing Tools

Compare Photos - Side-by-Side, Slider, and Morphing Tools

RxPhoto provides several showcasing tools that allow you to illustrate your clients' great results easily and conveniently on your device (iPhone/iPad). You may compare your photos in a split screen where you can zoom in to a particular area of interest. You may also use our slider tool, which is a great way to showcase the results of injectables and fillers, or you may use our morphing tool which is incredibly useful to showcase any treatments that provide mass changes such as body contouring.

This article illustrates where to find all these tools and how you can use them to showcase the great results you provide to your clients.

Compare Photos Side-By-Side



Compare Photos Using the Slider Tool



Compare Photos Using the Morphing Tool



As you go through this article, you may expand the screenshots by clicking on the image you would like to expand.

Navigating to Client Photos

The client's photos are found under the "Photos" tab of the client record. To find the photos tab:

1. Choose the client whose photos you would like to view from the client list by pressing on their name.
2. You will automatically be taken to the "Capture" screen. At the bottom of the screen, press on the "Photos" icon.

3. You will now see all of the client's photos organized by date.

Comparing Photos 

RxPhoto provides three ways to compare client photos: split, slider, or morph. See below for details on how to use each of these three tools, or navigate to the particular tool you would like to see from the Table of Contents above.


1. Press "Select" on the upper righthand corner of the screen.

2. Choose your two photos. The first one you choose will be your "before" photo and the second one you choose will be your "after."
3. Press "Compare" on the top left.

4. Hold your device (iPhone/iPad) horizontally to maximize the size of your photos.
You are automatically taken to comparing photos split screen. In the split comparison mode, you may zoom in - by pinching your fingers out - on either one or both of the photos. By doing so, you can zoom in on a particular treatment area, such as crow's feet, submental fat, or stretch marks. See video below.


From the split screen comparison (see above), you may access the slider tool. Holding your device horizontally will present the photos optimally. 

1. Press "Mode" on the top right
2. Choose "Slider."

3. You will now be viewing your photos in Slider mode.

Use your finger to slide the slider to the right and the left. When the slider is all the way on the left you are viewing the "after" photo. When the slider is on the right you are viewing the "before" photo. The body area, date and time that the photo was taken is displayed above the photo as well. See the video below.


From any of the comparison screens, you may access the morphing tool. The morphing tool is ideal for any treatment that created a mass change, such as body contouring as you will see in the example below. Again, hold your device horizontally for optimal display.

1. Press "Mode" on the top right.
2. Choose "Morph."

3. You will now see your morphing animation. 
You will see the animation of the "before" photo morphing into the "after" photo. After the animation has played, you may repeat the animation by pressing the "Repeat Animation" button that appears at the bottom middle of the screen. You may also choose to show the "before" photo displayed directly on top of the "after" photo by moving the horizontal slider to the left. This way, the client may see both photos in one single image. See video below.

Advanced Options

Some providers want to do more with these showcasing tools. For instance, you may want to share split screen comparisons with the patient, or record the slider or morphing comparisons to share on your social media platforms. Both can be done using Apple tools. Please note that once you use Apple's tools you are no longer HIPAA compliant and must have signed consent from your client. To remain HIPAA compliant, you may also share photos using the built-in Client Portal. See  "Share Photos Using Client Portal"  for details.

Sharing Split Comparisons With the Client

1. Navigate to the client whose photos you would like to share (with client's consent.)
2. Go to the client's photos.
3. Set up the split comparison you would like to share.
4. Click on the "Export" button on the top right and confirm that you would like to continue.

5. Choose the option you would like to use: ie. AirDrop, email, etc.

Recording Morph Animation for Social Media

1. Navigate to the client whose morph animation you would like to share (with client's consent).
2. Go to the client's photos.
3. Set up the Morph comparison you would like to record.
4. Swipe from upper right corner to center of screen to open your Control Center.
5. Tap the "Record Screen" button.

6. You may then save the file to your iPad and share to your social media platform of choice.
Note: You may also record and share the Slider comparison by following the same process as above. The only difference is that you will need to set up the Slider comparison before opening Apple's Control Center to record your screen.


RxPhoto provides three tools to compare before and after photos:

  1. Split
  2. Slider
  3. Morph
Depending on the treatment area and product used, you may find one of these tools more useful than the others. Each of these features is designed to showcase your clients' great results. 

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