Retrieving Client Data from a Secure Zip File

Retrieving Client Data from a Secure Zip File

Upon cancelling an RxPhoto subscription, RxPhoto will prepare a secure zip file of all patient images and forms free of charge. If a practice has fewer than 25 clients, zip files are not prepared, instead, practices may download their client images and forms directly from the RxPhoto Webiste. Directions will be included in the cancellation form.

Once RxPhoto has completed the secure zip file, the main contact for the account will receive an email with the necessary information to download the file securely. This article walks through the steps for downloading a secure zip file.

Step 1: Download the Zip File

The main contact on the practice's RxPhoto account will receive an email from "RxPhoto" with the subject line, "RxPhoto requests you to sign RxPhoto - Cancellation Download Instructions."

1. Click to open the email.

2. Note that the zip file has an expiration date.

3. Scroll down to find the zip file link. Click the link to open.

4. A pop-up will appear.

5. Return to the email to retrieve the zip file link username. Enter the username in the username field of the pop-up.

6. Return to the email and scroll down. Click on the blue Start Signing button.

7. Click the red Proceed to Document button.

8. Find the secure link password in the document that opens.

9. Enter the secure link password in the popup.
10. Click the blue Sign In button.

11. The download will begin.

Depending on the amount of data in the zip file as well as the internet download speeds, the download could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Please wait for the download to finish before proceeding.

Step 2: Expand the Zip File

Once the download has completed, find the .zip file from the computer's downloads folder.

1. Click the .zip file to expand.

2. Return to the document to find the zip file password.

3. Enter the zip file password in the popup. Click the blue OK button.

4. The .zip file will begin to expand.

Please wait for the .zip file to finish expanding before proceeding to the next step. 

Step 3: Sign and Submit Document

Once the .zip file has finished expanding, please confirm that all client images and forms are in the practice's possession. After confirming, sign and submit the document stating that all .zip file contents have been retrieved. 

Note: RxPhoto will destroy all data upon submission of the "Cancellation Download Secure File Information" document.

1. Return to the document.
2. Click to check the square to confirm that you agree with the "Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure." Then click the green Agree & Continue button to proceed.

3. Fill out name, signature, and date fields (highlighted in green.)

4. Click the green Finish button to submit the document.

5. An option to download a copy of the document or have a copy emailed will appear. Click on the desired choice. If no choice is selected, a copy of the document will be sent via email.

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