Filtering forms by their status is an easy way for medical directors to see forms waiting for review. First tap All Clients at the top of the clients list and this will bring up the filter window. Choose form status, and from the popup window, tap director review. Then tap done at the top right. Then tap apply at the top right of the screen. This will then show only the clients that have forms waiting for approval. Swipe left on a client's name, then tap Forms. In the client's record, tap the Client Library tab. And in the list of forms, look for the ones with the red dot. These are the forms awaiting director review. Tap the form to see the details and after reviewing the form you can change the form's status by tapping the ellipsis to the right of the form name, and choosing Change Form Status. And then tap complete. You'll see a warning that the complete status is final choice and cannot be undone. Completed forms can no longer be edited.
Filtering forms by their status is an easy way for medical directors to see forms waiting for review. First tap All Clients at the top of the clients list and this will bring up the filter window. Choose form status, and from the popup window, tap ...
For the Doctor After sending forms to the client, the status message under the name of the form changes to Submission Pending. The status will remain in this state until the client completes the form and submits to RxPortal.
From the client list, swipe left on one of your clients and choose forms. Tap the Client Library tab. This list contains the forms associated with this client and we can see a a variety of statuses for each of the forms. The first form has a status ...
For the Doctor After the client submits a form, the status of the form changes to Client Submitted. Now the doctor can review the answers. By tapping on the ellipsis at the top right of the screen, the doctor can change the form status to Complete. ...
There are four form statuses build in to RxPhoto that providers may choose from after filling out a form, or when changing a form status on a client submitted form (via RxPortal or Kiosk Mode.) The form status options are: Incomplete Review - ...