How to Change a Form Status

How to Change a Form Status

To change a form status, use Quick Action swipe left to go to the forms for the client. Tap Client Library to see all of the forms associated with this client. Choose a form. Tap to full screen. Then tap the ellipsis at the top right to see all the choices you can do with this selected form.  So this is one way to change the form status. Another way is to tap Fill & Sign at the bottom of the form display. Tap 'no' to Kiosk Mode. Then tap Submit, and you can choose to change the status in the popup menu when the document is saved. Going back to all of the client's forms, you can tap the ellipsis to the right of the form name, which brings up a menu, tap Change Form Status and we'll see the dialog of choice available. I'll choose Incomplete and you'll see the status line update to incomplete. Those are three ways to change the form status. 

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