How to Use the Global Library

How to Use the Global Library

On the RxPhoto website, there are many sample form templates that you can add to your account. Go to and click the Administration tab. Click Form Templates. On the left side is the Global Library. Scroll down to see the form types available. On the right side is your account library with the forms you can already see on your mobile device. To copy a form from the global library to your account library, click on one of the folder on the left, and choose a form. If you want to preview if first, click this icon next to the name to see the iPad preview. Click this button on the top right to see the iPhone preview. Once you decide on the form you want, select it with a check on the left side. Click on the double lines on the right side and drag and drop the form into one of the form groups in your account library. You'll see a legal disclaimer for your use of the sample form. Click to confirm then click Add to finish. You'll then see a confirmation message and you can check your account library to see the form is now in there as well. Ready to be edited and customized for your practice by clicking the ellipsis on the right and choosing Edit Form.

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