Pull Clients in to RxPhoto or Re-Sync Client with 3rd Party Technology/Integration Partner

Pull Clients in to RxPhoto or Re-Sync Client with 3rd Party Technology/Integration Partner

For practices that have integrations with one of  RxPhoto's Technology Partner Integrations, to add a client to the RxPhoto Client List, the client must be "Pulled In" from the Technology Partner. Therefore, the client must exist in the Technology Partner's account (ie. the EMR) before the client can be added to the RxPhoto Client List.

The instructions below may also be followed if client information in the Technology Partner's System has changed and needs to be updated in RxPhoto.

The instructions below walk through the process of pulling in a client from a Technology Partner.

1. Search by Last Name

Press on the search bar at the top of the Client List and start typing in the desired client's first or last name.

 A list of all client's in the Technology Partner will appear.

2. Pull In Client to RxPhoto

There are two ways to pull the client into the RxPhoto Client List: 

Press on the Client's Name

Pressing on the client's name from the search will open the client's Face Sheet. The client is now pulled in/created in RxPhoto.

Use Quick Actions to Enter the Client's Record

Swipe right to left across the client's name and press on one of the four sections of the client record. The client is now pulled in/created in RxPhoto. See "Quick Actions" for details.

3. The Client Now Exists in the RxPhoto Client List

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