Kiosk Mode

Kiosk Mode

Kiosk Mode allows clients to fill out forms on the provider's device (iPad/iPhone) within RxPhoto without compromising any Patient Health Information (PHI). Kiosk Mode locks the device (iPhone/iPad) in the Forms section of the client record so that the client cannot accidentally stumble upon client records or PHI. This allows providers to give their clients access to RxPhoto in order to fill out forms without needing to supervise the client.

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Access Forms

Use Quick Actions to quickly navigate to the "Forms" section of the client record:

1. Swipe across the appropriate client's name with your finger from right to left.
2. Choose "Forms" from the Quick Actions menu.

Choose Form to Fill

From the "Account Library," choose the form for the client to fill out by pressing on the name of the form. It will open a preview of the form on the right side of the screen:

To Choose Multiple Forms at Once

It is also possible to select multiple forms to be filled out at once.

1. Press "Select" at the top of the screen.

2. Press the names of the forms to be filled out. A number will appear to the left of the form name.

Enter Kiosk Mode

1. Once the appropriate form(s) has been selected, press the green "Fill & Sign" button at the bottom of the form preview.

2. To enter Kiosk Mode, press "Yes" in the Kiosk Mode pop-up alert.

3. Hand the device (iPhone/iPad) to the client to fill out the form(s).
a. If multiple forms were selected to be filled out, a blue "Next" button will appear at the bottom of the screen. Press this button to move to the next form.

b. On the last form, instead of a "Next" button, a green "Submit" button will be available to submit all forms.

4. When the client presses the "Submit" button, an alert will appear to confirm form submission. Press "Proceed" to submit the form.

5. A thank you message will appear and the client may choose to either view the Consultation Center or Logout.

Access Forms Filled in Kiosk Mode

The client is required to logout of RxPhoto when they have finished filling out forms and/or viewing the Consultation Center. When the provider is ready to continue, they must log back in to RxPhoto.

1. Log in using password or PIN code.

2. Use Quick Actions to navigate to the Forms section of the client record (see "Access Forms" for details.)
3. Press on "Client Library" to view filled forms.

4. All forms filled in kiosk mode will automatically be assigned the status, "Audit Needed."

5. View form preview by pressing on the name of the form.

6. Change the form status by pressing on the "..." menu icon to the right of the form name and press to select "Change Form Status."

7. Choose the appropriate form status. See "Form Statuses Available to Providers "for details.


RxPhoto allows providers to have peace of mind as their clients fill out forms in the RxPhoto Mobile App on the device (iPhone/iPad) by using Kiosk Mode. Kiosk Mode locks the device on the form, so that the client is unable to access any client record or PHI.

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