To pin a note to the top of the client's record, navigate to their notes section and choose the note you want to pin. Tap the ellipsis on the top right and choose Add to Pinned f rom the menu. Notice that it has a star icon. Go back to all the notes for the client. You'll now see a copy of the note at the top in a new section of the client's notes, called pinned. The note is also still in its original position in the notes list. To Unpin a note, select it, the tap the ellipsis, choose remove from pinned in the menu. This will remove the note from the pinned section and the note will remain in the original section with the star icon removed.
To pin a note to the top of the client's record. Choose the note you want to pin. Tap the ellipsis on the top right and choose Add to Pinned from the menu. Notice that it has a star icon. You'll now see a copy of the note at the top in a new section ...
To pin a photo to the top of the client's record, navigate to their photos section, and choose the photos you want to pin by first tapping the select button at the top of the screen then tapping the photos. Tap the ellipsis at the top right, and ...
RxPhoto allows you to change your PIN directly in the RxPhoto app on your device (iPhone/iPad). You may want to do this if your forget your password or for security reasons. This article will go over how to change your PIN from inside the RxPhoto app ...
First go to the photos area in the client record by swiping left on the client name and choosing Photos. By default, the photos are listed in reverse date order, with the most recent photos at the top. Within each date, the photos are arranged left ...
There are three ways to log in to the RxPhoto App on your device (iPhone/iPad). PIN code. To set or reset your PIN code see "Reset PIN Code." Apple Touch ID (provided your device supports Touch ID) Apple Face ID (iPhone only - provided your iPhone ...