Search for a Client

Search for a Client

RxPhoto allows you to search for a client from your client list. You may need to do so if you have too many clients to scroll through and you want to find somebody quickly. You may search for a client by any of the following items:
  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Phone number
  4. Client ID
  5. ECID (External Client ID)
  6. Notes
Also note that you can arrange your client list either alphabetically or by their last visit. For instance, if you arrange your clients by last visit, at the very top of the list would be the last client to have photos captured, followed by the second-to-last client, etc.

As you go through this article, you may expand the screenshots by clicking on the image you would like to expand.

Search for a Client

Upon logging in, the Client List is displayed. 

To search for a client, type in any first name, last name, client ID, phone number, etc. into the search bar. Only items that have been added to the client record previously are searchable. For example, if the client record does not include a phone number, the client will not be found by searching their phone number. Because first name, last name, and date of birth are all required fields to create a client, these are the easiest items to search by.

1. To search, press on the search bar at the top of the client list.

2. Type a search item (first name, last name, DOB, phone number, client ID, ECID, or a note.)

3. To clear a search and return to the full patient list, either backspace to delete your search item (in this example, "Carr") or press the "x" on the right of the search bar.

Arrange Clients by Last Visit

To arrange the client list by last visit, so that the most recent clients remain at the top of the list:

1. Press on "All Clients" at the top of the client list.

2. Press on "Last Visit."  

3. Press "Apply." 

4. The clients will be arranged by most recent visit first.


You may search for an individual patient by pressing on the search bar and entering any of the following information:
  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Phone number
  4. Client ID
  5. ECID (External Client ID)
  6. Notes
To clear your search, just press backspace until you have deleted all of the entered text, or press on the "x" on the right of the search bar.

You may also arrange your patients either alphabetically (this is the default) or by last visit. To change the arrangement, press on "All Clients" on the top middle of the client list and choose either "Alphabet" or "Last Visit."

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