Change a Photo's Anatomy Area

Change a Photo's Anatomy Area

RxPhoto allows providers to change the Anatomy Area associated with any photo. This may be useful for photos that are uploaded into the RxPhoto Mobile App from the device (iPhone/iPad) with an incorrect Anatomy Area, or any other photos not taken within RxPhoto. See "Upload Photos to an RxPhoto Client Record" for uploading photos of clients taken before purchasing RxPhoto.

Access Client Photos on the RxPhoto Website

First navigate to the photo with the Anatomy Area to be change.

1. Log in to the RxPhoto Website from any computer browser.
2. Click on the Client Name whose Anatomy Area(s) should be changed.

3. Click on the photo with the erroneous Anatomy Area to expand it.

Change Anatomy Area

Once viewing the appropriate photo, use the editing tools to change the Anatomy Area.

1. Click on the "Edit" pencil icon on the top right of the screen.

2. Click on the "Body Part" dropdown menu and click to select the appropriate Anatomy Area. then click "Save."

3. Confirm the change.

The photo will now appear under the new Anatomy Area in the Client's Record on both the RxPhoto Website and the RxPhoto Mobile App on your device (iPhone/iPad)

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