How to Share Forms with Clients Via SMS Messaging and Email

How to Share Forms with Clients Via SMS Messaging and Email

RxPhoto now allows providers to share forms with their clients via SMS messaging or email. With this feature, clients will not need to download any patient portal app (RxPortal) in order to fill and sign forms ahead of their appointment time. Instead, clients can fill out their forms on their mobile devices from anywhere simply by clicking on a link.

There are three places within RxPhoto from which forms can be shared:

  1. The client's Face Sheet - for blank forms to be filled and signed by client
  2. The Forms Account Library - for blank forms to be filled and signed by client
  3. The Forms Client Library - for already completed forms

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Sharing Blank Forms Via SMS Messaging

Sharing a blank form with the Client allows the client to fill and sign the selected form(s).

From the Face Sheet

1. Log in to the RxPhoto Mobile App on the device (iPhone/iPad). (See Log In to the RxPhoto Mobile App on Your Device (iPhone/iPad) for details.)
2. Press on the appropriate Client's name to open the Face Sheet.

3. Press on the "Telehealth" dropdown menu.
4. Press to select "Share Forms."

5. Press to select the Forms(s) to be shared with the client.

6. Press "Share" at the bottom of the screen
7. Press to select "Share Link."

7a. If there is no phone number listed in the Client's profile, enter the client's phone number in the pop-up. Note: this phone number will now be stored in the Client's Profile.
7b. Press "Share" after entering the client's phone number.

8. A success message will appear when the link has been sent.

From the Account Library

1. Log in to the RxPhoto Mobile App on the device (iPhone/iPad). (See Log In to the RxPhoto Mobile App on Your Device (iPhone/iPad) for details.)
2. Navigate to the Forms Section of the appropriate Client's Record.

3. Press "Select" at the top of the screen.

4. Continue with steps 5 - 8 above "From the Face Sheet."

Sharing Completed Forms with the Client Via SMS Messaging

RxPhoto also allows providers to share forms that are already complete with the client via SMS messaging. There are various reasons a provider may want to share already completed forms. For instance, if the provider filled out a treatment plan that they'd like the client to have a copy of, or to send pre- and/or post-treatment instructions to the client, etc.

1. Log in to the RxPhoto Mobile App on the Device (iPhone/iPad). (See Log In to the RxPhoto Mobile App on Your Device (iPhone/iPad) for details.)
2. Navigate to the Forms Section of the appropriate Client's Record.

3. Press on the "Client Library" tab.

4. Press "Select" at the top of the screen.

5. Press to select the desired forms.

6. Press "Share" at the bottom of the screen.
7. Press to select "Share Link."

7a. If there is no phone number listed in the Client's profile, enter the client's phone number in the pop-up. Note: this phone number will now be stored in the Client's Profile.
7b. Press "Share" after entering the client's phone number.

8. A success message will appear when the form(s) have been sent.

For the Client

The client will receive a text message (iPhone and Android compatible) that reads, "Hi, [clinic name] has shared form(s) with you. Please click on the link below to access." Upon clicking on the link, the client will be taken to a "Review and Complete" page:

The client may press "Review and Complete" to fill and sign all forms sent:

Once the client completes all forms and presses "Done," the forms will automatically be added to the appropriate Client Record under the "Client Library" tab under Forms. The practice will receive a notification that forms have been submitted.

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