New! Timeline

New! Timeline

RxPhoto has added a new Timeline feature so providers can view the client's complete history in reverse chronological order. Providers can navigate to any section of the Client Chart directly from the Timeline. The items that appear in the Timeline are:
  1. Photos Captured
  2. Photos Edited
  3. Forms Filled Out
  4. Notes Created
Note: Archived photos and forms will not appear on the Timeline.

The Timeline feature is also useful for supervisors or medical directors to complete their daily tasks from a single location in the client's chart, eliminating the need to navigate to multiple areas of the client's chart.

Access the Timeline

There are two ways to access the RxPhoto Timeline:

1. From Within the Client Record

1. Tap on the appropriate client's name from the Client List.

2. Tap the Enter Client Record button.

3. Tap on the Timeline icon.

2. Use Quick Actions

1. Swipe from right to left across the appropriate client's name on the Client List.

2. Tap on the Timeline icon.

Using the Timeline

The Timeline displays all photos captured, photos edited, forms filled out, and notes created of the client in reverse chronological order. This allows providers can easily access any items from a single location.

  1. Access the Client's Timeline. See Access the Timeline for details.
  2. Tap on an item to view a preview.
  3. Tap on the "Go to" icon to navigate to the item in the appropriate Client Section in order to performs actions on the item such as (but not limited to):
    1. Editing a photo
    2. Editing or signing a form
    3. Changing a form status
    4. Adding or edit a note

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