New! Background Removal

New! Background Removal

RxPhoto has recently added a new background removal tool with the release of RxPhoto 4.4.3. Background removal allows providers to capture photos anywhere and still have beautiful , uncluttered backgrounds. There are two ways to use background removal in the RxPhoto Mobile App on your device: from the preview immediately after capturing the image, or from the Client Photos Section of the Client Record after saving the image.

Note: Using background removal from the capture preview will yield cleaner results, which is only available on devices that have more than 1 camera lens and support Portrait Mode.  See "Best Practices to Remove Image Backgrounds" for details.

Step 1: Select Depth Mode

In order to use the background removal tool from the preview screen for best results, select Depth Mode before capturing the client image:

Step 2: Remove Background From Preview Screen

1. Line up the subject using the on-screen guide or photo ghosting. (See "Capture Photos on the RxPhoto Mobile App on the iPhone" and "Photo Ghosting on the RxPhoto Mobile App - iPhone" respectively.)
2. Capture photo when the yellow box around the face appears. The yellow box indicates that the face has been detected.

3. Press the "Edit" icon on the preview.

4. Press the "Background Removal" icon.

5. Press "Done" on the top right.

6. Press "Save" or move to the next angle in the sequence. (See "How to Use Photo Sequences" for details.)

Note: If using a sequence, press the "Background Removal" icon before moving to the next angle in the sequence.

Remove Background After Saving an Image

Backgrounds may also be removed from the client's photos already saved to the Client Photos Section of the Client Record. Removing the background after saving using different technology than when removing the background from the preview screen. For best results, use the background removal option from the preview screen. See previous section, "Remove Background from Preview Screen" for details.

1. Navigate to the Client Photos Section of the Client Record.

2. Press the "..." on the top right of the thumbnail of the desired image, then press "Edit."

3.. Press the "Background Removal" icon, then press "Done."

4. The image will be saved as a new image. The original remains under the original date the photo was captured.

Default Background Removal

RxPhoto allows providers to automatically use background removal on their sequences. To set background removal as default:

1. Access RxPhoto Settings by pressing the gear icon on the top left corner of the Client List.

2. Toggle "Default Background Removal" to the on position.

3. Press the "Depth" button on the first photo captured in a Sequence to remove background on all photos captured in that Sequence.


RxPhoto's new background removal tools allows providers to take photo anywhere and still have a beautiful neutral background. Any iPhone that supports Portrait Mode supports RxPhoto's background removal tool. There are two ways to remove backgrounds in the RxPhoto Mobile App on the iPhone:

  1. From the Preview Screen immediately after capturing the photo.
  2. From the Client Photos Section of the Client Record.
For both methods, it is best to capture the photo using "Depth" mode. For best results, use the background removal tool from the Preview Screen immediately after capturing the photo. See "Best Practices to Remove Image Backgrounds" for details.

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